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PVCAn axample of a PVC sign.


The official name for this material is poly-vinyl-chloride or to the sign world, a matte finished, plastic substrate generally used for indoor signs. PVC signs are generally used for in-store displays, indoor directional signs (fire escape routes, building maps, etc.) and any other information someone might need while in your establishment. These signs are often used for menu boards or service/price listings. These signs will also lend a very professional and elegant look to any trade show display.



Small PVC signs may be melted into a free standing counter top signs. A Velcro strip may be used to install PVC signs on Velcro receptive trade show displays. PVC signs may also be nailed or screwed for installation as long as care is taken to prevent cracking or chipping.



These signs should be cleaned with a mild detergent and wiped with a soft cloth to prevent damage to the face of the sign. These signs should be kept away from extreme heat as they may melt. These signs can be broken with impact so care should be taken during transportation.